Personal Collection

I take a lot of pride in my classical music collection. Each piece of music that I add usually comes with a lot of thought, some research and information gathering and at least some appreciation of the musicical piece coming into my collection.

Within a reasonably short period of time, I've managed to put together a fair sized music collection, though I will be the first to call it small in comparrison to those who've been collecting a lifetime. I've identified various orchestras and conducters that I like, so if I am ever "lost" in figuring out which recording I want, I have some other factors such as these that can help make up my mind.

With this month the start of composer month, and that composer being Beethoven, I'm going to try and give some insight into how I select my music and will be using Beethoven as my example, from figuring out what to select to the where and how of it.

The reason why I am doing this is to hopefully give some insight into this process for someone else who may be completely new to the collecting of classical music recordings. If it helps just one person out there, then it will have been worth it.

Enjoy and more to come!

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